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How Working Mums Can Stay Fit at Home: 4 Simple Strategies

Hello readers... In the whirlwind of my daily life as a working mum, finding time for the gym is an almost impossible task. Between juggling work commitments, managing household chores, and ensuring the kids are alive let's say, the idea of squeezing in a workout is sometimes impossible! However, I've found staying fit doesn't have to mean sacrificing precious time with your family or neglecting other responsibilities. See my 4 simple strategies and how working mums can stay fit at home; it is possible to prioritise fitness and health while embracing the chaos of the daily grind.

gym equipment at home
Quick home circuits

Lea Green woods
Walking around my home estate can be beautiful
  • Making Time for Fitness: When time is scarce, efficiency is key. Instead of complaining about the hours you don't have, focus on making the most of the time you do. Short, high-intensity workouts can deliver serious results in a short time, making them perfect for busy schedules. I do a 20-30 minute you tube circuit, wherever possible. Caroline Girvan being my go to PT online. Whether it's a quick circuit in the living room while the kids play nearby or a quick walk around my neighbourhood during lunch break. I find using a daily steps count keeps me motivated. Utilising little windows of time to get up and move your body, can add up to significant fitness gains.

  • Incorporating Family Time: Fitness doesn't have to be a solo endeavour either. Getting the whole family involved by scheduling active outings or incorporating movement into everyday activities. Whether it's a weekend hike, running around in your back garden (playing football etc), or a family dance party in the kitchen. We love getting the music on and dancing around the house being silly and while we are cooking tea or tidying up. Finding ways to exercise together not only promotes physical health but also strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories. Evelyn often says: "Mummy, I have a great idea! Lets put the music on and dance and clean!" I must be doing something right eh!

kids playing ball
Quick game of football on the field after shopping
Dad and kids walking
Family hike and puddle splashing
mum and kids swinging
Getting involved on the playground with the kids

  • Healthy Eating Habits: A balanced diet is essential for overall health and well-being, they say 70% of fitness is earnt in the kitchen while 30% is exercise. However, we all know it can be challenging to maintain with the craziness of working parents and you very often find choosing convenience food is easier. Lets instead of striving for perfection, focus on making small, sustainable changes that fit in with your family's lifestyle and preferences. We will do a meal plan every week which helps cut down waste and keeps us on track. Meal planning and prepping can help smooth out the cooking process, making it easier to prepare nutritious meals even on busy days. It is okay to indulge occasionally so do not think you cant have anything sweet and tasty – finding a healthy balance is the key. Check out my quick family friendly recipes!

meal planner chalk board
Meal planner
  • Embracing Imperfection: Despite our best intentions, there will inevitably be days when life gets in the way of our fitness and nutrition goals. And that's okay! Perfection is an unrealistic standard, and striving for it only sets us up for disappointment. An old PT of mine always said "as long as your getting your body moving i.e. getting in those steps and nothing else you are winning." Instead, embrace the fall downs and except the fact that the flow of life isn't always flawless. Setbacks are a natural part of the journey. The important thing is to keep moving forward, get back on the horse if you fall off, take one step at a time. Don't be hard on yourself when you do hit a barrier in your plan!

Staying fit as a busy working mum is not a small effort, but with a flexible mindset and willingness to adapt, it is possible! By prioritizing movement, incorporating family time, planning healthy eating, and embracing imperfection, you can create a lifestyle that supports both your physical and emotional well-being, bringing the whole family along for the ride. Remember, it's not about achieving perfection – it's about finding balance and enjoying the journey.

Keep your eye out for my 6 week healthy eating and exercise plan coming soon!

Thanks for reading!




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